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Heli bar bridge. Removing Heli bar banjo. Bleed the system?

Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 10:01 pm
by BruinFJRguy
Putting this under "farkles" (along with the kickstand question) because it isn't really "technical" info, just particulars to the given farkles.

I'm thinking about going without the installed Helibar bridge. Of course, I could leave the banjo, but it should go with the bar risers. Do I need to bleed/drain the system to do this? Will I get air in the lines if I just disconnect and reconnect?

Thanks for any help in advance!

Side note: I might have a very clean looking Heli bar bridge for sale shortly. I'll post it up if I decide to part with it.

Re: Heli bar bridge. Removing Heli bar banjo. Bleed the system?

Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 10:24 pm
by escapefjrtist
You're better off to bleed the front brake circuit when opening the system up. If you want to try it, at a minimum, tie the brake lever back overnight and see if that gets a firm lever.


Re: Heli bar bridge. Removing Heli bar banjo. Bleed the system?

Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 10:34 pm
by BruinFJRguy
Thanks, G. Bleeding is not a huge deal I guess. I actually moved the bars to the more foreward position in the bridge and it seems a little more twisty-amenable. We'll see.

Re: Heli bar bridge. Removing Heli bar banjo. Bleed the system?

Posted: Thu May 07, 2020 8:17 am
by raYzerman
I'd tend to keep the HeliBridge as most want risers anyway.... I moved mine to the full forward position as well and found that the best, new owner of my FJR likes it as well.

Re: Heli bar bridge. Removing Heli bar banjo. Bleed the system?

Posted: Thu May 07, 2020 11:07 am
by BruinFJRguy
Welp. After a trial run on 330 last night, I did like the forward position a lot better. Funny, I really meant to put risers/bridge on my last FJR. I just don't want to sacrifice handling.

Need another good trial ride today. Twisty riding in itself isn't exactly "confidence inspiring." :)