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Latest farkles

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 9:54 pm
by jsaul53
I added the MCCruise today and so far really impressed with how well it works. Recently added mounting plate for my new V1 radar detector. I received the front fender extender yesterday and plan to add this weekend once I knock off the dirt and grime from last year. I replaced the chopped rear fender with a new one last weekend. I am ready to put some more miles on this year but have a big move across the country and will not be able to ride for a month or so until all is settled with the new house.

So far this winter:
New phone Phablet size to use as secondary gps and alerts from V1. holder and ram mount
V1 radar detector and garauld mounting plate for V1 and spot.
New rear fender to replace the chopped fender.
Fender Extender for front fender to be added this weekend.
MCCruise (cruise control) replacing the brakeaway

It looks a lot worse listed out. I got a great deal on this bike back in 2009 and I am afraid to add up all the farkles and riding gear which may equal or surpass the purchase price of the bike.......

Re: Latest farkles

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 11:49 am
by silverback
Is that the horribly priced Australian made unit? I have heard those are absolutely amazing. I still have a Rostra I need to find time to install on mine. I'm too cheap to lay out for a real one!

Re: Latest farkles

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 7:45 pm
by boyitgobob
CC is a wonderful thing. Had an audiovox on my dl1000 and have debated putting one on my fjr. Unfortunately I'm feeling pretty lazy so I'll stick with my go cruise2.

Re: RE: Re: Latest farkles

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 10:21 am
by silverback
boyitgobob wrote:CC is a wonderful thing. Had an audiovox on my dl1000 and have debated putting one on my fjr. Unfortunately I'm feeling pretty lazy so I'll stick with my go cruise2.
It wasn't too bad on my Gen II. Tapped into the ABS signal to the ECM for speed. Biggest deal is to make a long arm for the attachment because the (Rostra at least) has too much gain for a short arm. If you can get 1.5" arm radius it would be excellent.

Unfortunately, the Gen I doesn't have said signal that I can find and I don't want magnets on my wheels or what have you. I haven't been out of school long enough to have the desire to conquer the speed pick up design, so my Rostra sits in a box waiting...