Another Texan - Old but yet immature
Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 7:32 pm
Hey, everyone. Glad to see the site is back in bidness. Still surf the 'other' site but won't post since I got spanked a few months ago. sigh. I was just tryin' to hep. Really.
Reside In the Dallas area, ride an '08 black FJR (the fast one) that I bought in '10 from a friend. Sold my V-Strom so I'm down to only the FJR but that's kind of like being down to your last Lamborghini. heh.
Hope to contribute but I'm really, really terrible at this. If I offend you, just ask yourself, did he cuss? If no, I didn't mean it.
Reside In the Dallas area, ride an '08 black FJR (the fast one) that I bought in '10 from a friend. Sold my V-Strom so I'm down to only the FJR but that's kind of like being down to your last Lamborghini. heh.
Hope to contribute but I'm really, really terrible at this. If I offend you, just ask yourself, did he cuss? If no, I didn't mean it.
