Introductions: New Fjr1300 owner

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Introductions: New Fjr1300 owner

Post by twismfamily »

Hi all. My name is Thomas, I live in the north suburbs of Boston, Massachusetts. I recently purchased a 2007 FJR1300 and I love it. I haven't ridden a motorcycle since 2004 and then it was a 2002 Suzuki SV650s. Originally my thought was between the BMW k1200 or the FJR but I couldn't pass up the good deal I got for my FJR. Thank you for accepting me in to your forums as I want to be an avid rider and ride with alike as well as become more knowledgeable on the subject of the FJR1300. I'll be searching the forums for my 1st obstacle for a set of highway pegs or floor boards for the FJR1300. I am 6 foot 5 and due to the riding position my joints start killing me after a short ride and so I would like to remedy that with this bike rather than give up and purchase a cruiser bike. So I hope some if not all can point me in the right direction. TTYL!
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Re: Introductions: New Fjr1300 owner

Post by wheatonFJR »


Hope you find the info you are looking for.
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Re: Introductions: New Fjr1300 owner

Post by jwilly »

Welcome to the forum! Have you confirmed that you have the seat in the high position? Also if you have the stock seat it's not great so you might consider an aftermarket seat. I have a Sargent and it works well for me at 6'4".
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Re: Introductions: New Fjr1300 owner

Post by Uncle Hud »

Welcome to the Riders forum, twismfamily. I lived in Charlestown for two years, got too cold too often, and returned to the Holy Land. If I remember correctly, Boston's northern suburbs are in New Hampshire.

See you at EOM 2019!
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Re: Introductions: New Fjr1300 owner

Post by Intech »

jwilly wrote: Wed Oct 03, 2018 2:30 pm Welcome to the forum! Have you confirmed that you have the seat in the high position? Also if you have the stock seat it's not great so you might consider an aftermarket seat. I have a Sargent and it works well for me at 6'4".
If he could only stay in the seat! Love you Jason!
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Re: Introductions: New Fjr1300 owner

Post by LKLD »

Welcome to the Forum, Thomas!

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Re: Introductions: New Fjr1300 owner

Post by Intech »

Welcome to the asylum. If it is a 2007A then that is still the best color IMO. I sold mine to my brother just shy of 100K after I bought my 2015ES. I am a Boston native and lived all over New England. Decided winter really sucks up there, so like Uncle Hud moved south. There are plenty of FJR people up that way. You need to join the "Ride to the Rock" with Cota(George). Look for it here. Good chance to meet some awesome folks. That is the weekend following Thanksgiving.
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Re: Introductions: New Fjr1300 owner

Post by ionbeam »

Another welcome, this time from someone that lives just across the border in southern NH. There are a lot of FJR owners in this area and we do a lot of riding.

This weekend, excerpted from an email from Fred W (Londonderry):
...Saturday look like a beautiful fall day in New England. It would be a shame not to view it from a motorcycle saddle. Parker’s is always good, unless someone would rather propose we go someplace new.

No need to rush out of the house in the cold and dark. We could just meet there at around 9AM if that works for folks. There will likely be a wait, but that just gives us more time to catch up!...
Parker's = Parker's Maple Barn in Mason, NH. A number of the local riders are >6' tall and can help you spend lots of money to get your bike sorted out :D
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Re: Introductions: New Fjr1300 owner

Post by Hppants »

Welcome Thomas. I hope you enjoy your FJR.
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Re: Introductions: New Fjr1300 owner

Post by FJRPittsburgh »

Hey Thomas! Congrats on the purchase of an FJR. It's a great bike and will serve you well for many, many miles. Stay in tune with all the rides posted on this forum. Hope to meet you some day soon. I'm sure you'll be able to sort out the riding comfort of your bike. Sounds like a taller seat is in order. Again, congrats and welcome!
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Re: Introductions: New Fjr1300 owner

Post by bigjohnsd »

Welcome Thomas - the FJR is a great bike.

Many happy miles to you!

The best part of owning an FJR is the people in this forum. All will bend over backwards to help you out.

Look forward to meeting you along the way.

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Re: Introductions: New Fjr1300 owner

Post by CollingsBob »

Welcome to the forums!
Hopefully I’ll get to meet you at CFR2019..
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Re: Introductions: New Fjr1300 owner

Post by Prestone »

I will echo what Jason said. Try getting a taller seat before lowering the pegs. I will make the bike so much more enjoyable in the twisty bits. The popular custom seats are russel day long or Seth Laam. Welcome to the forum
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Re: Introductions: New Fjr1300 owner

Post by NTXFJR »

Welcome. You have an excellent bike, but then we in here love our fjrs. Take care of it and you can expect to get over 200k miles out of it. If you're considering highway pegs, you might look at putting crash guards on and then mounting your pegs to them. It can help keep them up out of the way imo. I tried mounting some highway pegs to brackets that mount on the engine covers, but the pegs didn't stick out enough for me causing my calves to rub on the fairings. Putting extenders on helped push them outward offering a little more comfort, but then the extenders became hard spots that would touch down in the twisties which definitely got my attention. Hth.
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Re: Introductions: New Fjr1300 owner

Post by twismfamily »

Update: Yes my bike is a bergundy red which I think Yamaha calls it red sky or something. I recently made purchase of crash guards via Ebay that came from Russia. It took awhile but they came. Also, I installed kuryaken highway pegs to the crash guards and had a friend tig weld them to help stay in place so they didnt roll when I prop my 100lb leg on it, lol.
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Re: Introductions: New Fjr1300 owner

Post by twismfamily »

As a side note, I've just come across something very interesting and would like some feedback if you've heard/experienced the Darkside of riding. For those that may not know, it is the choice to ride with a car tire as a rear tire instead of standard motorcycle tires. I also saw a video of double darksiding on a Honda Goldwing and this particular youtuber said he would not go back to standard tires. Thoughts?
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Re: Introductions: New Fjr1300 owner

Post by jwilly »

twismfamily wrote: Sat Jul 06, 2019 8:52 pm As a side note, I've just come across something very interesting and would like some feedback if you've heard/experienced the Darkside of riding. For those that may not know, it is the choice to ride with a car tire as a rear tire instead of standard motorcycle tires. I also saw a video of double darksiding on a Honda Goldwing and this particular youtuber said he would not go back to standard tires. Thoughts?
My $.02, if you can't afford proper motorcycle tires then don't own/ride a motorcycle. There will be plenty of people that will chime in and say it works great, however most of those same people rarely put down their knitting needles and actually ride the bike the way it's designed. :D
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Re: Introductions: New Fjr1300 owner

Post by Hppants »

I want a true motorcycle tire that last as long as a car tire. Until such material presents itself, I'll let the FJR do what it does best - eat m/c tires, preferably from the outside in!!
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Re: Introductions: New Fjr1300 owner

Post by gixxerjasen »

Welcome to the forum!
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Re: Introductions: New Fjr1300 owner

Post by raYzerman »

I ran a car tar for 3 years on my '07, they stick better than any m/c tire wet or dry, can push the lean angle limits quite nicely. But, there's a bit of extra work in the turns so at the end of the day you knew you had fun, all good..... since I got a tar changer and a spare set of wheels, I went back to m/c tars but I'm not opposed to doing a car tar again. It's not for everybody, I get that.
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