FJRiders Forum Guidelines & Rules

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FJRiders Forum Guidelines & Rules

Post by admin »

Forum Guidelines

by extrememarine » Tuesday, 15 Jan 2013

The Team would like to thank you for participating in the forums. is made up of a diverse membership, the following guidelines are established to ensure the community grows and thrives in the future.

1. Please respect the other forum members, administrators and moderators. Attacks of a personal nature are not allowed. Although you may disagree with statements made by other forum members, please refrain from using profane, insulting or derogatory language, ethnic or racial slurs. Friendly 'banter' is exempt. Indicating humor with the appropriate emoticons might keep someone from getting upset or insulted.

2. In order for the administrators and moderators to discharge their responsibility we must insist that all postings are in English. If you wish to converse in other languages please feel free to use the PM facility.

3. Please do not post using all caps, all bold, or all italics. Using all caps is considered to be shouting. You should limit using caps, bold, large fonts, etc for those items that you wish to give special emphasis.

4. Please avoid 'over quoting'. Nested quotes are often not necessary. It is suggested that you edit the quotes to display only information pertaining to your comments.

5. Please create new threads in the appropriate topic area. All non-motorcycle related topics should be posted in the Sheep’s Pen. Posting in the appropriate category eliminates the need for cross-posting. Moderators may move threads to the correct forum if they are started in an inappropriate place and/or delete duplicate postings.

6. We strongly suggest you search on the topic you intend to post. Many questions have already been answered in previous posts. If you contribute to an existing thread it will become active again. This performs a valuable service to all members. It might answer questions other members may have been hesitant to ask.

7. Posts in the “Official reviews for aftermarket products” forum will be locked by a moderator/administrator once posted. If a review is left unlocked and comments or questions are made to the thread, they will be deleted. Post any comments or questions in another appropriate forum. If the original poster needs to modify a review after it has been locked, contact one of the moderators to have it unlocked or to make the change for you.

8. Avatars are limited to 8k or smaller and no greater than 160x160 pixels. We understand avatars reflect your individual personality however please do not use avatars that may be offensive to other members. Avatars may not be used for advertising in any manner. You may not advertise in either the avatar graphic or use the avatar to hot link to another site.

9. The size of in-line images should be limited. Please be aware some of our forum members are still using dial-up connections. Individual in-line images should not exceed 250k and if you post multiple in-line images, their combined size should not exceed 500k.

10. Non-motorcycle related links are not allowed in the signatures. You may use signature lines to link to related galleries. You may only link to your own commercial website only if it is motorcycle related. Linking to someone else's site is not allowed in the signature. A reasonable number of small graphics are allowed in signatures (i.e. - emoticons, flags, etc). “Reasonable” being defined as an amount which does not distract from the content of the post or thread. Large images may not be used in signatures.

11. You may link to your own business site in your forum profile. You may not link to other business sites including click-thru or Pay-per-click schemes. Personal sites may also be listed in the profile. Links to pornographic or offensive websites or photos, personal or otherwise, are not allowed.

12. While we've tried allowing the membership the freedom to express their opinions on most any topic freely, it's become increasingly evident to the administration of the forum that certain topics are bound to cause issues between the members. Since this is after all a FJR and motorcycle site and there are other online forums dedicated to those sensitive issues, we've come to the decision to restrict certain content. The following items are now no longer discussion topics allowed anywhere on the forums, except in the "Backyard" forum:
- Firearms
- Religion
- Politics
These, and any other controversial topics, must be restricted to the Backyard forum.
Update January 31st, 2021. Topics in the 'Backyard' subforum must comply with Rule #1 above in regards to responses that constitute a personal attack on another forum member. Failure to do so will result in the posts or thread to be deleted at the admin / moderator's discretion.

Updated April 8th, 2018.
13. Technical Library & Merchandise sub forums. These two sub forums will be designated as “no B.S.” areas of the forum. There will be no off topic, sidebar, wise crack type posts allowed.

13.A - For merchandise threads, the only posts allowed will be those related to merchandise orders, questions about orders, order thanks you’s, order issues, order shipments, or order payments. Any posts that are not in line with the topic will be deleted by forum moderators or admins.

13.B - For tech library threads, same approach as the merchandise threads – all posts will be related to the tech library topic – questions about the topic, posts adding to the topic from a technical perspective, etc. Any posts outside of those will be deleted by forum moderators or admins.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please contact a moderator via private message or post in the Help & Suggestions forum.
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Re: FJRiders Forum Guidelines & Rules

Post by Cougar8000 »

Number 11 about other links

I do not agree with it as I always promote pediatric brain tumor foundation fund raiser every year around July. I put a small link into my sig

Plus. It says you can link your site if it is mc related. If someone has a busines that is not mc related and thy want to list a link to it I see no harm in it

We need to use common sense and as long as it is not a compilation of link we should be ok. Most people will have one or two only and that is where we should base our judgment

I fully agree about using English only. But there are times when we do monkey around and post in other languages and not only in Russian. Honestly I have never seen this wording anywhere else

Most people will just ignore non English posting and thus problem is solved. What we could state that if you keep posting in a non English and people express concerns your post might be removed
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Re: FJRiders Forum Guidelines & Rules

Post by admin »

Alex - Good point - Charities would be an acceptable link to destination. I will but this in the edit pile.
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Re: FJRiders Forum Guidelines & Rules

Post by clocklaw »

admin wrote:Alex - Good point - Charities would be an acceptable link to destination. I will but this in the edit pile.
Yes, good point....I already broke this rule today. whoops :oops:
wheatonFJR don't really expect me to finger myself do you?
HotRodZilla wrote:Be careful, don't act dumb, and like your weiner, keep it in your pants.
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Re: FJRiders Forum Guidelines & Rules

Post by 0face »

I'm not reading the rules, but you already knew that.
wheatonFJR loved this
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Re: FJRiders Forum Guidelines & Rules

Post by Intech »

It all looks good to me. Just missing the word "free" in #2. ...feel freeto use the PM facility.
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Re: FJRiders Forum Guidelines & Rules

Post by admin »

got it, thanks Bob.
Intech wrote:It all looks good to me. Just missing the word "free" in #2. ...feel freeto use the PM facility.
FYI - I am going to clear the comments and lock these policy threads; if anyone has additional comments, etc - post them in the beta test thread or in the help section.
