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Not Your Typical Ride Report?

Post by SkooterG »

Got a freaking flat tire!!! :x

Oh, a day in the life of SkooterG!!!

Transitioning from highways SR51 to Loop 101 in north Phoenix. Taking the ramp at about 80mph with a nice lean. Nothing too crazy. I hit one of the bumps between sections and think to myself, 'whoa! That didn't feel right.' I hit the next one.... same thing. I think to myself: 'Self, is your shock going to shit?' Once westbound on the Loop 101 going straight at 80 mph I give the handlebars a shake. Yeah, that little weave is not normal. I say to myself: 'Self, you have a freaking rear tire problem!' I pull over right away and sure as the tread marks in Wheatie's underwear, I have a freaking flat rear tire! f@$k.

Luckily, I am 100 yards from an exit ramp. Limp down the ramp. Major intersection a tenth of a mile away. First gas station the air machine has a sign, 'out of order'. :x Go to the next one across the street. No sign. Looks good. FJR up on centerstand and whoa, 'Houston, we have a tire problem'. That ain't no little hole! I could say something about the large hole in my tire and how it compares to Oface's butthole, but I won't. ;) Fortunately, I am only about 5 miles from mi casa, so there is that.



Pull out the repair kit. Ream out the hole. (Easy there Wheaty!) Metal wires I am assuming from the tire itself are still there. Put in two sticky strings. Swipe the credit card and for only $2.50 I have air a pumping! As I am fighting with the air chuck I realize my 90 degree valve stem is rotating fairly easily. f@$k!!! I also realize that air is coming out of the hole almost as quickly as it going in. Double f@$k!!! :evil:

Time to reevaluate. You see, I have plans in a couple hours. I promised to show some young ladies a good time at the Buffalo Chip Saloon on the dance floor. Who am I to deny them that?

I call MudslideMiller. I am only a mile from his house. I figure I limp this bitch of an FJR to his house, park it in his garage, and make him loan me one his motos so I can get home. Deal with the mess tomorrow. But that choad doesn't answer!!! :x Ok, next plan, go inside the gas station and get a can of fix-o-flat. I hate that crap, and the mess I will have to deal with upon tire change but I got young ladies on the brain. Not a great plan , but it doesn't matter as the store has no fix-o-flat. :x

What are we up to? Plan D? Put sticky string #3 in the hole. I go to turn on the air machine again but wouldn't you freaking know it? The f@$king power has gone out in the last minute or so. The whole intersection is dark - no traffic lights, and all businesses have no power. That means no freaking air!!!! Fuuuuck!

I try to call MudslideMiller again. That asswipe must be dodging my phone calls! Ungrateful bastard! He is SO fired! Options: ride 1/4 mile to the Costco parking lot, call an Uber to take me home and deal with it tomorrow. That would be too easy! I ride the flat tire 2.0 miles to the next gas station. There is no air chuck on the end of the hose of the air machine. Grrrrrrrr...... I am really starting to get into my unhappy place...... :cry:

Ride another 1.1 miles on the flat tire to the next gas station. So far, lucky in that tire is still on the bead. There is a gentleman at the air machine trying to fill up his flat tire on his car. I help him out. It takes us about 10 minutes for us to figure out why there is no air being pumped into his tire: There is a button on the air machine for 'completely flat tires'. Apparently in normal use it wants to see a little bit of pressure or it won't pump air. Grrrrrrrrr.......

Another 10 minutes goes by as he fights a losing battle with his tire. Losing air not quite as fast as he is filling it. He gets it up to about 13 psi and says, 'f@$k it' I am going to try and make it home. I am up. Freaking air machine won't take my credit card!!! I am slipping into a baaad place..... I go into the store to get quarters and there are two dudes in line in front of me. #1 is trying to buy every lottery ticket and some unobtanium brand of cigarettes based on HOW LONG THIS IS FREAKING TAKING!!!! Grrrrrrrrr...... :evil: :evil: :evil:

Get quarters. Head back outside and start pumping glorious 78% nitrogen, 21% Oxygen and some other proprietary gasses. Amazingly, with three sticky strings and even after having ridden it 3 miles completely flat it seems to be holding air!!! Schwing!!! According to the air machine it got it up to 34psi!!!! And the crowd rejoiced! Things are finally starting to look up! I ride a blessedly uneventful 2.5 miles back to mi casa! For shits and giggles, I check it and it is at 33 psi. We shall see what it like in the morning. Lucky FJR hoarder me, I can take one of the many other FJRs I have to the Buffalo Chip. See? There IS a method to my madness!!!!!

Time to get cleaned up. I am running late for my rendezvous with Alex and her friend. I met Alex when she was 17 years old many, many moons ago. The girl I was dating back then was friends with her mom The four of us would all go to the Buffalo Chip where I was forced to keep them all entertained on the dance floor. Yes, even 17 year-old total smoke show Alex. It was just dancing you creepers! It was a tough job, but somebody had to do it!

Well, Alex turned 33 two days ago. She is out visiting from Pennsylvania. She is STILL a hottie. Last Wednesday Jane, the girl I was dating back then (we are still good friends) calls me and says guess what two women are here with me and want to dance with you. I may be dumb, but I ain't stupid. I use my excellent powers of deductive reasoning and guess correctly: Lisa (mom) and Alex. Later I learn that Alex is having a tough time in life right now with a shit boyfriend. It's a long story. That girl is a hottie and a total sweetheart, but the poor thing has a broken picker. She could get any great guy she wanted no doubt in my mind, but she likes to pick loooosers! I haven't seen Alex in 10 years? 15 years? But I have heard the stories over the years from Jane. Later, when Alex was not around her mom made me promise to take her out and show her a good time and give her some fun for a change. And make her feel desirable and good about herself.

Woe is me! Who am I to deny that request? I'll take one for the team this time around.

Soooooo..... this excessively wordy tome about a freaking flat tire comes to a happy ending as I make some freaking lemonade!

This old fart danced Alex and her friend Ava's butts off! I flirted excessively with Alex. I told her how wonderful she was and what total hottie she is. I saw the girl start smiling more and more and that warmed my heart. I'll be sore in the morning, but it was well worth it! I mean.... really.... it didn't suck......

33 year old brunette Alex on my right, her 27 year old redhead friend Ava on my left. Life is good! ;)

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Re: Not Your Typical Ride Report?

Post by Toter »

Nice report! Two things:
1. Buy a cheap battery tire inflator you shiznitz!
2. You could have lent Alex your picker, but,.........nveer mind.
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Re: Not Your Typical Ride Report?

Post by SkooterG »

Toter wrote: Sun Mar 23, 2025 8:21 am Nice report! Two things:
1. Buy a cheap battery tire inflator you shiznitz!
2. You could have lent Alex your picker, but,.........nveer mind.
I have many. I have one this FJR. I was too lazy. After all I was at freaking gas stations with air machines for crying out loud that *should* have been a lot quicker than the portable compressor trying to fill up a car tire.

As for #2....... no comment.
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Re: Not Your Typical Ride Report?

Post by Festus »

If you took them home, they could would have experienced a flat tire themselves :)
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Re: Not Your Typical Ride Report?

Post by SkooterG »

Festus wrote: Sun Mar 23, 2025 8:27 am If you took them home, they could would have experienced a flat tire themselves :)
f@$king ouch! And as much as I hate to admit.......... f@$king funny!
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Re: Not Your Typical Ride Report?

Post by Road Runner »

OK so you got a flat and danced with a hottie.
Wordy bastard.
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Re: Not Your Typical Ride Report?

Post by gixxerjasen »

SkooterG wrote: Sun Mar 23, 2025 8:26 am
Toter wrote: Sun Mar 23, 2025 8:21 am Nice report! Two things:
1. Buy a cheap battery tire inflator you shiznitz!
2. You could have lent Alex your picker, but,.........nveer mind.
I have many. I have one this FJR. I was too lazy. After all I was at freaking gas stations with air machines for crying out loud that *should* have been a lot quicker than the portable compressor trying to fill up a car tire.

As for #2....... no comment.
Wait, are you saying you had the portable compressor with you the whole time?

Those AI generated photographs are certainly getting better and better every day. No way those two girls posed with a goofy old bastard like you.
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Re: Not Your Typical Ride Report?

Post by FastPappy »

And #3 did the third string still hold air the following day??? Lol :lol:
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Re: Not Your Typical Ride Report?

Post by raYzerman »

Get that tire off and put a plug patch on the inside, then ride it until it's worn out.
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Re: Not Your Typical Ride Report?

Post by Hppants »

In a rare moment of maturity (RARE, mind you), I'm going to refrain from commenting on anything except the tire.

If I'm not mistaken, that's a dark side rear tire, no? Good to see it holding up under those circumstances (not coming off the bead).
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Re: Not Your Typical Ride Report?

Post by fontanaman »

A few things come to mind. Glad the tire is fixed and you could help friends.
On another post ScooterG said chasing women was over rated.
I only wish Don Stanley could comment on this ride report.

Thanks for posting this not so typical ride report.
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Re: Not Your Typical Ride Report?

Post by 0face »

All is well that ends well.

Next time call me, I won't steal your womens...
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Re: Not Your Typical Ride Report?

Post by wheatonFJR »

You are such a loser. Too much low hanging fruit loops to bother commenting on. Except , I wonder what story she told the girls? " There's this jackass I know that won't stop touching me...and his nose. Please take this loser for an evening so I can get some peace."

Or something like that.

I hope you didn't give the kids a nasty infection.

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Re: Not Your Typical Ride Report?

Post by wheatonFJR »

Road Runner wrote: Sun Mar 23, 2025 8:36 am OK so you got a flat and danced with a hottie.
Wordy bastard.
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Re: Not Your Typical Ride Report?

Post by escapefjrtist »

If I'm not mistaken, thirty-three plus twenty-seven equals sixty...there's still the flat to deal with though! :shock: JS'NS

raYzerman wrote: Sun Mar 23, 2025 12:24 pm Get that tire off and put a plug patch on the inside, then ride it until it's worn out.
At edge of tread that's not repairable Ray. Might try it with a plug/patch but I'd never trust the repair. That tire visits the recycle bin.

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Re: Not Your Typical Ride Report?

Post by SkooterG »

escapefjrtist wrote: Sun Mar 23, 2025 9:53 pm
raYzerman wrote: Sun Mar 23, 2025 12:24 pm Get that tire off and put a plug patch on the inside, then ride it until it's worn out.
At edge of tread that's not repairable Ray. Might try it with a plug/patch but I'd never trust the repair. That tire visits the recycle bin.

With 20,671 miles on it, this Riken Raptor is DONE! It saw a LOT of twisties in Oregon, and then EOM '23 in West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, and Arkansas. So, while there is plenty of tread left in the center the edges are worn out. Almost no sipes left on the edges, especially the right side. I would not want to be leaned over on this tire on wet roads.

If not for the worn edges I might have tried a repair, but the hole is big! Three sticky strings and still has a slow leak.

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Re: Not Your Typical Ride Report?

Post by SkooterG »

Hppants wrote: Sun Mar 23, 2025 1:12 pm In a rare moment of maturity (RARE, mind you), I'm going to refrain from commenting on anything except the tire.

If I'm not mistaken, that's a dark side rear tire, no? Good to see it holding up under those circumstances (not coming off the bead).
Yes, Riken Raptor car tire. Out of all the car tires I have run I would say it handles best, but not as much life as others. I am amazed on how it handled the flat. I can't help but wonder how flat it was when I had a moderate lean going at 80mph and didn't know anything was wrong until I hit a bump!!! It has a big hole, so as long as nothing was still in it, it went flat quick!

And also amazed that I could travel the several miles with it completely flat without coming off the bead, or ruining the tire!

The only thing that concerns me a little bit is NOT knowing it was flat - most likely for a little while.
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Re: Not Your Typical Ride Report?

Post by SkooterG »

0face wrote: Sun Mar 23, 2025 4:22 pm All is well that ends well.

Next time call me, I won't steal your womens...
You may not steal them, but scaring them and any small children in the area away won't help me either!
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Re: Not Your Typical Ride Report?

Post by Mudslide Miller »

SkooterG wrote: Tue Mar 25, 2025 1:57 am
0face wrote: Sun Mar 23, 2025 4:22 pm All is well that ends well.

Next time call me, I won't steal your womens...
You may not steal them, but scaring them and any small children in the area away won't help me either!
And he needs all the help he can get!! :lol:
Grandpa chasing women old enough to be his daughter is a losing battle anyways!
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Re: Not Your Typical Ride Report?

Post by raYzerman »

I ran a Michelin Exalto quite low in air once, it's wide enough stiff enough it won't come off the rim, but I wouldn't go challenging that too much!
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